Mik Bečka

Mik Bečka has a series of iconic buildings to his name at the age of 80.

He built a number of community houses, the 'Bosjes van Zanen' luxury apartments, the banking building of Staalbankiers in The Hague and the Bank of the Dutch Municipality - he also designed the full interior of this bank.

Mik has Hungarian roots and came to the Netherlands at the age of 20. He followed his education at the Academie for Bouwkunst, started his career as partner in the architectural office of Van Kranendonk, Thunissen, Bečka and taught architecture at the Technical University of Delft. Later on he had several partnerships in his architectural office.

During the last years he is active as a furniture designer. His most recent collection is called The Spider; a different table with different stools.

Exhibition Masterly - The Dutch in Milano | April 4 - 9th

more information

Noordhollands Dagblad | Waterlandse designers naar beurs in Milaan

Interview | RTV Noord Holland | maart 2017

Masterly Palazzo Information Map room 14

Masterly presskit Bečka - Wolbert - Bečka

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